Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Freedom of Expresion Expressed

My blood boils as I write this evening.  The very idea!  Using violence to battle the strength of a pen.  Today.  In Paris.  I simply find it intolerable that freedom of expression should be squelched.  In education, we encourage even our youngest students to write or draw or sing or dance their thoughts and hopes and dreams.  I cannot even imagine a world in which fear might keep the artists from painting or the dancers from dancing or the singers from singing.  Yet today, in the City of Lights, gunmen gunned down those who were brave enough to express their thoughts for the eyes of those who dared to view their works. 

There is not much we can do about the horrific incident of today, but we can let those who would keep us silent in our musings and imaginings know we believe in the power of expression.  Fight back with ink to honor the blood that was shed today.

Write what is in your heart.  Post or publish your thoughts using any device or social media you prefer.  Just write.

Stay JOYful and Write On!