Sunday, November 30, 2014


As November closes and December begins, I just want to pause a moment to ponder how each month has its own theme or gimmick or tradition that has become attached to it.  November has emerged as the month of Thankfulness with many publicly citing 28 days or so of things-to-be-thankful-for.  Merged into this particular month is patriotism as this it the month for Veterans and all-important elections in which citizens demonstrate their right as citizens to be able to express opinions at the polls.

It is such a cliche', but I must express it just this once. What if every day were Thanksgiving Day? There. I said it. Imagine for one moment how life would be?  We'd awaken each day with the truth that God in his infinite wisdom has seen fit to let us see another day.  We'd look at family and friends around us as Jimmy Stewart does so artfully in It's a Wonderful Life and skip around letting everyone know what they mean in our lives  and promise never to take them for granted again.  We'd be grateful for the provisions of basic food, safe shelter, simple clothing and adequate health and never want for more.  We would reside in a constant state of thankfulness.  I know I'd like to live there on a daily basis!

What causes the human mind to want and need and desire so rampantly?  This is age-old, predating any electronic influence whatsoever.  I suppose the first cave men looked across at the next guy's round wheel and coveted that just as we are inspired with jealousy when those around us acquire a new bauble or shinier thingamajig.  People are funny, would you not agree?  If the adage is true that practice makes perfect and, better still, perfect practice makes perfect, then I'll begin today to practice as-perfectly-as-I-can to be truly thankful for all I have each and every day.  And I promise to let you know how I'm doing with that little project. 

Stay JOYful and Write On!