Thursday, November 6, 2014

At the End of the Day... It was a Day

Bone Tired.

Ever been so tired you could hardly describe the feeling?  As a counselor, I deal in feelings on a regular basis. I know all the synonyms for happy, sad, angry, anxious, etc.  Yep, I absolutely do.  Kids love playing with my feeling masks. The ones you hold up to your face and peek through the eye ball holes cut into the cardboard.  I'd love to slip on a few feeling masks and try out some that have "extra energy" written all over them in the expressions painted on the front. Maybe that would perk me up!

 At one point today, I just sat and felt like I couldn't move a muscle or I'd collapse.  No real reason.  Nothing earth shattering had happened.  No real added stressors.  I'd even gone to bed a tad earlier than usual.  It's simply a mystery as to how a person can be running full steam ahead on some days, and when given the exact set of circumstances, almost fall apart the next. 

Tomorrow is another day.
This day is done. 
We each get only one day at a time.
 Make the most of each one.

Stay JOYful and Write On!