Tuesday, November 18, 2014

So you want to be published?

Several days ago I promised a snippet about becoming a published author. Here goes....

Quite often when folks discover I've written a book and had it published, the question is asked, "So how did you get published?" After drafting a little rhyming book about a moose and having a friend take a stab at drawing a few pictures to go with it,  I spent weeks surfing the internet (which led to dead ends) and looking through "How to get published" books which only  led to mentions of other books to buy on "How to get published". My friend and I eventually began sending some drafts to publishers mentioned on the internet and in the books.  We received those rejection letters you hear about.  Ouch.  We tried again. We never gave up

As it turns out, illustrator Brenda Nichols took a much more practical approach than my attempts with the internet and the how-to-get-published books.  She went to Hastings Book Store (which has since closed its doors in our community) and began to look at the publishers found in children's books in a section Hastings had for Local Authors.  Her theory was if a publisher would print a book for someone else in our town, surely they'd consider our book.

Brenda called Smooth Sailing Press near Houston and talked herself into a meeting with the publisher at the time.  He walked us through the process of creating and finishing and eventually publishing Beauregard Le'Moose is Loose in New Orleans.  Over the course of two years we drafted four books in the series, and our hope is all four will one day be in print. 

Eventually Smooth Sailing Press garnered a new crew of owners, and we couldn't be happier with the professionalism and ambition of this talented group of people.  From start to finish, they simply expect the best of themselves and anyone they are associated with in the process of publishing .  They even have my literary partner and me writing a new 'tween' chapter book series featuring an ambitious ten-year-old Miss Priss.

To be quite honest, becoming published takes a smidge of courage, a smattering of thick skin to cushion the critiques that will come, a hefty dose of patience, and a huge dollop of luck in finding the best publishing house to partner with.   We consider ourselves  blessed to be a part of the amazing team found at Smooth Sailing Press.

Stay JOYful and Write On!