Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Rain, Rain Go Away... or Not

Ever just love the smell of rain, no matter the season?  Somehow the rain this evening took me by surprise.  I drove to my polling place to cast my vote in this midterm election cycle, and was amazed to see raindrops on my windshield.  Had to reach all around inside my car to find my not-often-used-lately umbrella.  Stepping gingerly like a cat (I HATE getting my feet wet.) and tippy toeing into the building, I happened to recall my twin sister, Jerrie, and myself singing at the top of our lungs that old familiar child's song "Rain Rain Go Away..." and you know the rest ..."Come Again Another Day."  Why did we think rain another day would ever be any better?

As preschoolers, Jerrie and I would hang out on our old back porch daring each other to run out into the rain and then we'd dash right back under the safety of the porch roof.  We just knew it was our song that eventually made the rain stop.  Aren't we still like that as adults, thinking we control everything? 

One of the best things about the stage of life I now find myself (somewhere in the "middle of things") is that I have stopped feeling the need to control things.  With age definitely comes the freedom to just let things happen as they may. 

Perhaps you can practice this freeing feeling and just "go with the flow" or let things just "roll off your back" as things seem to go someone else's way on any particular day. 

Today, I confess I rambled on about rain and songs about rain that led to encouraging you to stop trying to control everything. Pretty fun stuff, if you ask me! 

Stay JOYful and Write On!